Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Okay so this is my last week of school for the semester. I have finals on Friday and Monday. So I probably should be studying but decided to take a break from schoolwork and give an update as to things that have been going on. A couple of weeks back Katie went to Nashville for an extended weekend with some family and friends for a birthday. She had a blast. The kids, all of them, stayed back her in Morton, including Uan. It went better than I thought. Uan did awesome taking formula and the other kids helped me out. My mom got to hang out with the kids on Monday while I went to school. I think she enjoyed it. Anyway kids were great and Katie had a great time. As I stated earlier I have finals this week in three of my four classes. I am not to worried but would like to keep the good grades that I am getting in my classes. It has been busy for all of us, but thankfully the semester is winding down. One more year and I should be done, hopefully. Also this weekend is my birthday so Katie and I have been tgrying to figure out when to celebrate since I work on Friday nights and my sister's birthday is Saturday. Anyway enough for now I should probably get back to homework. Here is a couple pictures of the family in front of a bush on the side of our house that blossoms around now and then loses all of its flowers.