Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Okay so this is my last week of school for the semester. I have finals on Friday and Monday. So I probably should be studying but decided to take a break from schoolwork and give an update as to things that have been going on. A couple of weeks back Katie went to Nashville for an extended weekend with some family and friends for a birthday. She had a blast. The kids, all of them, stayed back her in Morton, including Uan. It went better than I thought. Uan did awesome taking formula and the other kids helped me out. My mom got to hang out with the kids on Monday while I went to school. I think she enjoyed it. Anyway kids were great and Katie had a great time. As I stated earlier I have finals this week in three of my four classes. I am not to worried but would like to keep the good grades that I am getting in my classes. It has been busy for all of us, but thankfully the semester is winding down. One more year and I should be done, hopefully. Also this weekend is my birthday so Katie and I have been tgrying to figure out when to celebrate since I work on Friday nights and my sister's birthday is Saturday. Anyway enough for now I should probably get back to homework. Here is a couple pictures of the family in front of a bush on the side of our house that blossoms around now and then loses all of its flowers.


Holli said...

Thanks for the update I have to say I was getting a bit tired of the ice skating!:) Good luck with the test!

Robin said...

Great to see a new post! Cute pictures!

Rachel said...

well matt are you happy now?! i got my own blog just so i could comment on yours. haha just kidding. hope you do well on your finals!

Janell said...

cute family pics. Katie, your kids are posing so nice, what do you mean they'd be throwing dirt clods... :)

Amy said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MATT!!! I'll be praying for you and your finals! What a year...I am so proud of you and your ambition!

Hello to ALL of the Chatwell's.
It was great to see you in Nashville, Katie!!

Tasha said...

Kate - Isn't it amazing that we live in the same town but we have to go online to keep in touch? Hilarious. To my fellow, 3 boys and 1 girl pal, how goes it. It is fun catching up on your family life. So cute they are.